Holy Matrimony

If you’re thinking about getting married, congratulations. 

Through the Sacrament of Marriage God blesses the love of husband and wife and enriches it making this love a manifestation of Christ, an effective sign of His presence.

The Sacrament will be a source of strength and encouragement for you in your love for each other. It will also be an invitation for you to be ministers of love for others, especially as a couple and in your home – as parents and as hosts to friends and strangers alike.

If you live in our parish and are thinking of getting married here or elsewhere or would like to have your civil marriage convalidated (“blessed”), please do get in touch with Canon Kevin or Fr Alex. If you live outside this parish but would like to marry here, you must first contact the priest of the parish in which you live. It is necessary to give six months’ notice to allow enough time for the paperwork and preparation to take place.