The UCM (Union of Catholic Mothers)

‘The family which lives love even though imperfectly, and opens itself generously to the rest of society, is the primary agent of a future of peace. A civilisation of peace is not possible if love is lacking’. Pope John Paul II The UCM is ‘family’


  1. To help Catholic women to appreciate the sacramental character, responsibilities and permanence of marriage and to live in unselfish love, observing the laws of God and his Church.
  2. To assist them to bring up their children as practising Catholics and public-spirited citizens
  3. To offer love, sympathy and practical help to the family in difficulty.
  4. To foster vocations in Life, especially in Christian Marriage and Family Life and in the Priesthood and Religious Life.

The UCM’s aim is to follow the full Christian ideal of marriage and family life and was founded in 1913 to unite Catholic married women. We embody the full ideals of marriage and family life to the full providing commitment, stability and security in the home, the church, the world. We help the poor, the homeless, the marginalised, the refugee, the ill and the weary, and we work to support those in need.

We are witnesses to the Light of Christ. Membership is open to all Catholic women, married or single, and may be extended to other Christian women in sympathy with the Objectives.

For more information or to join, please contact: Sr Brigid Collins at stjohnswood@kevinjordan

Why Catholic women join the UCM

Catholic women join The UCM for a variety of reasons as meetings provide fellowship and friendship and are a blend of social and spiritual activities. The UCM meeting, literature and contacts provide ongoing fresh interests. There are opportunities for varied and valuable Catholic action but nothing should be undertaken at the expense of personal family life. Through unity with other members, many thousands strong, greater influence can be exerted on public affairs that affect marriage and family life. United in prayer, members never face life’s difficulties alone but are strengthened by the support of fellow members.