To arrange a baptism for your child please e-mail the the parish office. Ideally we seek three months notice. You will receive an application form electronically which you should return to the parish in the same way. A preparation class will then be arranged with one of our catechists. A date can be arranged after this. Baptisms noramlly take place on Saturdays at 12 noon, or Sundays at 3pm. On occasions they mat take place during a Sunday Mass.
The class is not necessary for parents who have already had a child baptised at St James’ Church. At least one godparent must be a Catholic. A non-baptised person may not be a godparent. You are expected to make a donation to the church. The recommended amount is £50 which we ask to be gift aided. You will be presented with a Baptism certifcate on the day.
The parish has produced a Baptism preparation DVD directed by Ed Wright and narrated by Paul Foster and is available price £12.50 from the parish office. It lasts 16 minutes. It is entitled Our Child’s Baptism: the Spirit of Water.
Failure to have your child baptised within a year of birth may affect you child’s chance of gaining admittance to Catholic school.
There will be no Baptism preparation classes during August.