



In our Christian tradition, the Sacrament of Baptism is central to our becoming part of God’s family. It is the beginning of our faith journey.

When baptising a child, the parents are asked to profess their own faith and to accept the responsibility of teaching their child the Christian way of life, and to guide him/her along their initial stages of life to help them understand the meaning of their Baptism.

If you are interested in having your child baptised, please:

If you are an adult wishing to be baptised or received into the Catholic Church, please refer to our RCIA programme. 

g that journey children need guidance and help in order that Baptism will be meaningful for them. Therefore, parents of children to be baptised are asked to profess their own faith and to accept the responsibility of teaching their child/children the Christian way of life.

In order to help parents to do this, they are asked to attend a Baptism preparation course, consisting of four meetings over four weeks, where they can discover together the real meaning and significance of Baptism.