Sacrament of Ordination – Holy Orders


ordinationThe priesthood is for the service of the church. The priest is to gather the people of God around the altar in an attempt to feed them in Word and Eucharist.

In doing this, one is building up the local church community of the baptised faithful. The church is then to give witness of the risen Lord in that community. The priest is ordained to act in the person of Jesus Christ.

He teaches by proclaiming the Gospel, he administers the Sacraments at the appropriate times and celebrates Mass gathering the people in to the Body of Christ.

He follows the command of Jesus – “Do this in memory of me” as he celebrates Mass.

The priest sees his true identity as a servant of Jesus Christ.

For many reasons there are not the same number coming forward to study for the priesthood in parts of Europe.

Yet, in other parts of the world there are many vocations to the priesthood.

We are invited to pray constantly “that the Lord of the harvest will send labourers in to his harvest“.