New volunteers are always welcome to support our various parish activities – to join as full members or simply to help out when possible.
If you would like to share your gifts and talents, please contact the parish office at (We will forward your email to the Group Contact and they will contact you). Or, if you prefer, you can contact the groups directly by joining one of their meetings. Everyone is welcome in our parish-community.
ABC (About Being Catholic): For anyone who would like to learn more about our Catholic Faith and traditions. We especially welcome any non-Catholic adults (from any religious background) who would like to know more about the Catholic beliefs, or would like to join the Catholic Church, fully. It is also for Catholic adults who have not been confirmed. Contact: Fr Jonathan or the parish office
Choirs and Folk Groups: Musical groups that seek to serve God and our parish by singing at the Sunday Masses, and other occasions and liturgies. Contact: choir at Mass
Knights of St Columba : A men’s association that seeks to serve God and our neighbours by supporting parish events. We meet on Tuesdays fortnightly. Contact : Alex
Legion of Mary: A Marian Association that seeks to serve God and our neighbours, following Our Lady’s example. Contact: Brenda
Saint Anne’s Sewing: A group for men and women of all ages and abilities. We sew the church cloth (altar frontals; banners; vestments; veils; etc). Contact : Parish Office
Saint Joseph’s Hammer: St Joseph’s Hammer is a group open to men and women of all ages and abilities. We do simple DIY tasks for St Edmund’s Church site in the Parish of Whitton. Any and all activity must follow all the necessary and up-to-date Health and Safety policies and guidance. No task should be undertaken in the Parish without first checking with Fr Jonathan. For further details or to join St Joseph’s Hammer Contact : Parish Office
Seniors Group: A friendly group for senior people to socialise and meet. Contact: Jean
Shop: At the back of our church, you can buy holy items to help with your prayer-life. Contact: Eileen
Team Cleaning: A voluntary group who keep our church clean. The collective team cleaning takes place every Friday at 10am until 11am. Contact: Luisa
Team Gardening: A group that serves God and creation by looking after the garden plants outside the front of the church. Contact the Parish Office
Union of Catholic Mothers: A women’s group that seeks to serve God and our neighbours, especially with supporting parish events. Contact: Rosemary
Food Bank Donations: We support our local Food Banks. Anyone can donate canned food (with long expiry dates please!) into our ‘Food Donation Bin’ by the main doors.
Or, you can join our team that takes these cans and tins to the local Food Banks on Wednesdays / Fridays. Contact: Parish Office
Ghanaian Catholic Association: This group meets every First Sunday of the month after 11.15am Mass in the Hall. Contact: Anita
Parents and baby & Toddler group: A friendly, welcoming group for parents / guardians and their children. Contact: Lesley
Please contact the Parish Office for further information about any of these groups, or simply come along.