Sacraments : Baptism ; Holy Communion ; Confirmation

Infant Baptism

Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!’ (Mt 28:19)

Baptism for Infants
For baptisms of infants / children aged 0 – 6 years, please could parents / guardians complete the ‘Baptism Form’ (found at the back of church) and email it to: , or hand the form to Fr Jonathan or into the parish office.

Baptism for Young People
Young people aged 7 – 17 who are not yet baptised will complete a longer preparation class. To find out more, please could parents / guardians, email:

Baptism for Adults
For adults over 18 who would like to be Baptised, Confirmed or to be received fully into our Catholic Church Family, please speak to Fr Jonathan after the Holy Mass or email him at:

First Reconciliation & Holy Communion  (FHC)

Jesus said to the [Apostles] “Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so I am sending you! … If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven! If you retain the sins of anyone, they are retained.”‘ (Jn20:21-23)

Jesus said “I am the Living Bread that comes down from Heaven; if anyone eats of this Bread, he will live forever! and the Bread that I shall give for the life of the world is My Flesh!  … Amen Amen I say to you, unless you eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, you have no life in you. Anyone who does eat My Flesh and drink My Blood has eternal life, and I shall raise them up on the Last Day! “‘ ( see Jn 6:51-59 )

Children aged 7 years old and above should make their First Holy Communion and Confession, and then receive these sacraments frequently.
To prepare for this, we teach our children about our faith, at home, in (Catholic) schools, and at church.
We also offer a preparation course to help families and our young people.
Application for this year’s course for our First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion programme is now closed.
The best way to prepare for this wonderful sacrament is by attending Holy Mass each Sunday, and by praying at home each day.


Young people aged 14 years old and above should receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and the full gifts of the Holy Spirit.
To prepare for this, we teach our young people about our Faith, at home, in our (Catholic) schools, and at church.
We also offer a preparation course to help families and our young people.
Applications for our Confirmation Sacrament programme are now closed.

Adults (aged 18 and above) converting to the Catholic Faith, or adults who have not yet received one of the Sacraments for whatever reason, can join a program to help them prepare for this important moment. To find out more, please email Fr Jonathan :

We offer a gentle program for non-Catholic adults (from either another Christian background or from a non-Christian or non-faith background) who would like to know more about Catholicism, with the possibility of joining the Catholic Church.  Please contact Fr Jonathan or the Parish Office.

If you have any questions, please just contact us.