Everyone is welcome in our parish-community and every family is unique and blessed by God.
‘God brought the woman (Eve) to the man (Adam), and then the man said: “At last! This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh! ” … so a man leaves his father and his mother, and cleaves to his wife and they become one flesh. ‘ (Gen 2:23-25)
We believe marriage is sacred and a holy Calling from God.
If you are engaged to be married – Congratulations!
If you are already married through a ceremony outside the Church (i.e. in another tradition or in a legal Registry Office) and would like to marry now in the Church to receive the full Blessings of the Marriage Sacrament, please speak to Fr Jonathan about the next steps.
Before booking any venues (etc) or making any official arrangements (or paying any deposits!) for a wedding, please speak with Fr Jonathan about all the necessary paperwork etc.
Catholic Marriage preparation usually takes at least 6- 8 months in advance – (it is always best to check at least a year in advance.)
For information about supporting your marriage, you are welcome to speak confidentially with a priest (if you would like to).
Whatever your situation, we are here to help and support you.