
Please contact the presbytery for more information on any of the below activities – 020 7485 4023.

Sacristy Team
Purpose: Prepares and clears up after all Liturgies. Decorates the church and
cleans the church.
Contacts: Sheila Perera.

During the Covid pandemic the sacristy team is suspended.

Purpose: Greet  Mass goers at the weekend Masses.
Contact: Fr John.

Altar Servers
Purpose: Mainly serve weekend Masses. Children 9yrs and above.
Leaders: Jackie McIntosh.

Musicians, Choirs, Cantors
Parish Musician: Parish Office.

During the Covid pandemic music at mass is suspended.

Purpose:  Read the Scriptural Readings at the weekend Masses.
Coordinator:  Joelle Simpson.

Rotas will be set up once the Covid pandemic is over.

Eucharistic Ministers
Purpose: With the priest distributes  Communion at the Masses.
Coordinator: Joelle Simpson.

Rotas will be set up once the Covid pandemic is over.