Parish Groups

Our faith community can be nourished by active participation in parish groups that meet for prayer, social action, Sacramental preparation, youth work and the support of others in the life the Church. To share our lives in these ways allows us to offer ourselves and draw strength from each other. Initially, please contact the Parish Office – 01727 850066

Ministries Tasks Contact
Children’s Liturgy Mass for all primary school age children Parish Office
Church Cleaners Maintain the attractve and prayerful atmosphere of the church Parish Office
Collectors Organise money collections and banking Parish Office
Eucharistic Ministers Assist with the distribution of holy communion Parish Office
Flower Arrangers Arrange church flowers Parish Office
Laundry Provide laundering of church linen Parish Office
Lectors (Readers) Lectors receive preparation and training Parish Office
Music Group Choral and instrumental music to support the liturgy Parish Office
Servers Boys, girls and adults are all welcome Fr Francis
Transport Help provide lifts to mass Parish Office
Welcomers Make people welcome and distribute mass books Parish Office