Mass times at St Barts for the week are in the newsletter below:
9th February 2025 – Newsletter
9th February 2025 – Missalette
Newsletters (bulletins) for SS Alban and Stephen
Mass times for all the Catholic Parishes of St Albans

New Year Message from Fr Francis
PPC Liturgical Calendar 2024
Spirituality on the Go for Everybody
St. Bart’s Parishioners Food Pantry
Please leave your donations in the porch – Thank You!
If you prefer to make a financial donation, you can put cash in an envelope marked St. Bart’s Food Pantry through the presbytery door, write a cheque to St Bartholomew’s Church reference Food Pantry and post or pop through the presbytery door or make a bank transfer using this:
WRCDT St Albans South Catholic Church Account 40 05 20 81308440 marking it “Food Pantry”
At our November 2022 Parish Council meeting it was agreed to set up a food pantry in the church entrance to support parishioners, their family, friends and/or neighbours with free food provisions during this cost-of-living crisis. There will be bags provided to take the items away and soon, the church opening times will be displayed outside the church. Please don’t be shy – we’re in this together!! If you can, donations would be gratefully received though please make sure the items are in date – please leave in the marked box. We’ll start with non-perishable food first and, hopefully, progress later to fresh fruit and veg. Any surplus food will be donated to our local foodbank at the new Cottonmill Community Centre. Any queries or offers of help as the pantry builds, please contact:
Jackie Tominey on 07702 948585 or
Non Perishable Food Items to Donate:
Please check items are in date before donating
- Cereal
- Soup
- Pasta
- Rice (Cooked/uncooked)/Curry & Other Sauces
- Tinned tomatoes/ pasta sauce
- Lentils, beans and pulses (Preferably tinned)
- Tinned meat/Fish
- Tinned vegetables (Including potatoes)
- Tea/coffee/Herbal teas
- Sugar/sweetners
- Salt/Pepper
- Tinned fruit
- Biscuits
- UHT milk/oat milk/almond milk/custard/tinned custard
- Fruit juice
Parish accounts are here: Parish accounts
Synodal Pathway summaries have been posted here
The Bishops’ report is here: Bishops’ Synodal Pathway Report
Other Parish Information
Gift Aid details
Gift Aid Form
Please don’t forget Food Bank donations at Supermarkets:
UNIVERSALIS MASS READINGS: Click here for today’s readings
If you are helped by a visual participation in the Mass, then go to one of the websites on which that celebration is being streamed. Here is list of parishes with streamed celebrations of Mass across the Diocese: 200318 Mass streaming and useful websites. There is also a list here.
Masses at Ss Alban and Stephen Catholic Church on YouTube
Online Masses at St Teresa’s Borehamwood
Online Masses at St Luke’s Pinner