60th Anniversary Exhibition, Walk, Procession, Mass and Party
Click on any photo to see it enlarged then go back to see more
28 May 2022 Exhibition Hall
28 May 2022 Ecumenical Family Walk
28th May Confirmation Group pizza party post Rite of Election
29 May 2022 Exhibition
29 May 2022 Procession and Mass
29th May 2022 Exhibition hall
29th May 2022 Party in St Adrian’s School
60th anniversary update PDF version
To avoid a clash between Adopt a Plant and the Cakebake for Ukraine, the cakebake date will now be Sunday 24th April from 11.20 in the Parish Hall. Please do come and join for a coffee and slice of cake or purchase of a cake to take away. All funds raised will go to support some of those impacted by the suffering in Ukraine. Please make this revised date a diary date.
Dear St Bart’s Parishioners, all contributions are welcome, but only what you can afford at this time.
Bank Account for cheques and bank transfer
Payee: WRCDT St Albans South
Sort code 40–05-20
Account Number: 81308440
Please include 60ANNIV as a reference on the back of the cheque or on a bank transfer.
The parish can also reclaim a Gift Aid of 25% from the Government on amounts donated. Therefore, in the case of those who are already Gift-Aiders could you please inform us if you donate to this important event? If anyone is eligible for Gift Aid but hasn’t yet completed a Gift Aid form, there will be a special envelope from the Diocese, specifically towards a one-off donation, please collect one from the back of the church from next weekend (5-6 March) and return it to the parish office. Donations made via the contactless terminal can also be gift-aided at the time of the donation. If you could please let the parish office know if you have donated via contactless for the 60th Anniversary so we can allocate this amount. With many thanks for your support and generosity, Fr Francis