12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading (Jeremiah 20:10-13): Jeremiah suffered for his faith and poured out his experience in great laments. Our reading today is part of one such confession, combining com-plaint with confidence in God.
Second Reading (Romans 5:12-15): As listeners today, our attention may fall on words such as sin and original sin may even come to mind. Actually, this not Paul’s intention at all. His full focus is on the astonishing graciousness of God to us all in Jesus.
Gospel (Matthew 10:26-33): Being a believer is tough at times and we may wonder why do we stick with it. Yet we do, because of the “immortal diamond” in Christ and God’s unfailing love and support.
English Martyrs Primary School Summer Fair
The PTA are organising a Summer Fair to raise funds for music and educational needs of the school. This is a community Event being held at the school on Sunday 16th July from 12-3pm. We are selling stalls for £10 with a table and £5 if you bring your own for any local makers. This is going to be a community event and we would like to welcome everyone to come along and enjoy an FUN family day. Any info on Stalls please contact the PTA via Kim 07762 908 332
Parish Volunteers Day
All volunteers are invited to gather 12:30pm at the school for a sumptuous BBQ. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Special Collection
Thank you for your contribution to last weeks special collection towards the costs of travel and accommodation for those attending the World Youth Day events in Lisbon, Portugal. The amount raised will be announced next week.
First Holy Communion Celebration
Congratulations to all the Children who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday. Sincere thanks to the Catechists for their accompaniment over the past year. Thanks to all who helped to prepare the Church so beautifully and to the Choir and musicians who enhanced the celebration.
Welcome to Visitors!
English Martyrs is blessed to have many visitors from all over the world joining us for Mass. Come and join us after 11am Mass each Sunday in the Hall for coffee and a chat!
New Parish Safeguarding Representative
We welcome Dr. Muna Dahabreh to the post as the Safeguarding Representative for the parish and we thank her for her service in the community. Her contact details are:
Telephone: 073 1175 1497
Email: towerhillsg@safeguardrcdow.org.uk
Thought for the Day
Our times have an air of instability and everyone feels the sense of upheaval and unpredictability. Fear is perfectly understandable. Something similar may be said of our lives as believers. From a “church” point of view, we wonder who will be in church in the coming years and who will pre-side at the Lord’s Supper.
From a personal point of view, familiar faith affirmations seem no longer as tenable as they were. And yet, at the centre of the faith project stands not my condition or even my faith, but all that God did for us Jesus’ death and resurrection. As Paul exclaims who will (or can) separate us from the love of God in Christ?
Prayer and Feasts
I love you, Lord, my rock, my fortress, my refuge. Help me to take hold of the hand you stretch out in Jesus.
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
29th June, this is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be at 1pm