2nd Sunday of Ordinary time – 19th January, 2025
Church of the English Martyrs
Oblates of Mary Immaculate
30 Prescot Street, London E1 8BB Tel: 020 7488 4654
Email: towerhill@rcdow.org.uk www.parish.rcdow.org.uk/towerhill
Archdiocese of Westminster Registered Trustees 233699
Parish Priest: Fr Alex 020 7488 4654
MASS TIMES: Safeguarding information:
SATURDAY: Mass at 6.30pm Safeguarding Representative: Dr Muna Dahabreh
SUNDAY: Mass at 9am and 11am Tel: 073 1175 1497 email:towerhillsg@safeguardrcdow.org.uk
Monday: Church closed Diocesan co-ordination: Monawara Bakht: 0207 798 9350
Tuesday-Friday Mass at 1pm email: monawarabakht@rcdow.org.uk

Contactless Giving
You can make your offerings, donations and contributions
to the upkeep of your parish and the Church using the
contactless device installed near the entrance. It’s easy and
safe, reducing the need to handle cash while also helping with better
accountability of our parish finances.
New Parish Offering Facilities
You can support us by making a donation via the card scanners located in the Church.
Don’t forget you can also Gift Aid your offering. You can now donate a one-off gift or set up a direct debit in support of our parish via our website at: parish.rcdow.org.uk/towerhill/donate/ or by scanning the QR code.
Thank you for your generosity of heart.

Building stronger families Are you experiencing difficulties in your relationships? Are you willing to spend some time in finding ways to help you avoid conflict and resolve differences amicably? We are giving you opportunity to help you manage conflict and help reduce the impact that conflict can inflict on your children. We are inviting you to meet with Chris on Saturday, 7th October at 7pm in the Parish House at Sacred Heart Quex Road. If you would like more information please contact Chris on 07484111021 or info@unitedinseparation.com “Rebuilding Relationships, one Family at a time”