We look forward to welcoming you to Mass.  Please get in touch if you know of anyone who is housebound, and would like to receive Holy Communion at home.

To stay involved with the parish, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO E-ALERTS (see tab at base of this page), and you will receive important information via email at various times.

UKRAINIAN APPEAL – Much needed funds can be donated via CAFOD, a Disasters Emergency Committee member.  Please continue to pray for an end to the suffering.                https://cafod.org.uk/Give/Donate-to-Emergencies/Ukraine-Humanitarian-Appeal

PARISH FINANCE  Many thanks to all who continue support the parish with regular donations.  If you would like to donate, these are our bank details.

Sort Code: 40-05-20   Account Number: 21095560    Account Name: WRCDT St Bede Croxley Green – Remember to add your surname and first name or initials so we can identify your contribution.

If you have any queries or need Standing Order forms, please contact the parish office – croxleygreen@rcdow.org.uk

CONTACTLESS GIVING – Please make use of our Digital Collection Plate (DCP) is located in the church porch.

VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS NEEDED – Please do consider offering your services in one of the following ways:

Stewards / Welcomers – Required to be a presence at the congregation arrives, take care of the Offertory collection, and generally tidy up after Mass.

Eucharistic Ministers – We would love to hear from members of the parish who would consider becoming a Eucharistic Minister.  Training, Commissioning, and full guidance provided.

Readers – Please get in touch if you feel you could be a reader at Mass.  Full guidance provided.

Catechists – Volunteers needed to join the rota for Children’s Liturgy during 10am Mass on Sundays. Full guidance and support will be provided.

Do let us know if you can assist in any of these ways.  Contact the parish office – croxleygreen@rcdow.org.uk