The Catenian Association

 The Catenian Association, often referred to as the Catenians, is a global organization dedicated to fostering faith, friendship, and a sense of community among Catholic men.

Founded in Manchester, United Kingdom, in 1908, the association has grown to include thousands of members across the world, all bound together by their shared commitment to faith and fraternity.

Through a network of local circles and provincial groups, Catenians come together to support one another in their spiritual journeys, striving to live their faith in daily life and making it relevant to the challenges of the modern world.

One of the hallmarks of the Catenian Association is its strong emphasis on friendship.

Members forge deep and lasting relationships through regular meetings and social social events / gatherings, throughout the year offer the opportunity for members and their families to build friendships that often extend across generations, making the Catenian network a true brotherhood of faith and friendship.