WELCOME- New Parishioners

If you are new to the Parish or have recently moved into the area, you are very welcome. Please make yourself known to either Fr Martin, the Welcomers at mass or the Parish Office, so that we can get to know you. There is the opportunity to meet other parishioners after the 9.30 am Sunday mass, when there is usually coffee in the hall.

Recent news can be found in the newsletters on the website but if there is anything else you would like to find out about, let us know.

If you would like to register with the parish,  please print and complete the Parish Census registration form found on the link below and return to the Parish Office.


If you would like to contribute to day to day running costs of the parish, please complete the standing order form below and return to the Parish Office. If you are a tax payer, completing the Gift Aid declaration helps us to reclaim the tax and increase our income. Thank you.