Ways to give

Thank you for considering a gift to St Peter-in-Chains. Our parish relies upon the generous donations of parishioners and visitors.

Sunday Mass Offerings

As well as by giving loose cash, you can give to the Sunday Mass Offertory Collection using Planned Giving Envelopes, use the contactless device on the Newsletter table near the entrance with your bank card, Smart phone or Smart watch (using Apple Pay or Google Pay) or by setting up a monthly Banker’s Standing Order (our Book keeper’s preferred method!). If you are a taxpayer we encourage you to please Gift Aid what you donate and add an extra 25p for every £1 you give so a donation of £20 becomes £25 with Gift Aid, at no cost to you.

Bankers Standing Order

This means you and you alone decide how much to give. If you use online banking or a banking app you can set up the order yourself using the bank details below. Please include your surname and initial as the reference so we can identify the donor. Alternatively, you can download and complete a Gift Aid/Standing Order form and send the completed Standing Order section to your bank with a copy to the Parish Office please.

Gift Aid

To add 25p to every £1 you give you must donate in a way where we can record you as the donor and the amounts you give i.e. Envelopes, Standing Order, contactless, online, bank transfer. You can download and complete a Gift Aid/Standing Order form and return it to the Parish Office. For more information about Gift Aid, please click here.

Planned Giving Envelopes

You can order envelopes by contacting the parish office.

Bank Transfer

To make a one-off donation (or to set up a Bankers Standing Order) please use the parish bank account details:
Account Name:            WRCDT Stroud Green
Sort Code:                    40-05-20
Account Number:       71437399
  Surname and First Initial
If you wish to make your gift for a specific purpose include that in the reference e.g. ‘Easter’.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please Gift Aid your donation. For more information about Gift Aid, please click here.
To Gift Aid your bank transfer donations, please complete the Gift Aid section of the form above or send an email to giftaid@rcdow.org.uk with the following information:

  • Your parish name
  • Your title, first name and surname
  • Your address and postcode
  • The date of your gift, or start date of Standing Order
  • The amount
  • Please add the line: ‘Please Gift Aid my donations’

The Diocese Gift Aid office will add your declaration immediately, on behalf of your parish, and email you a confirmation.

Online Giving

To make your donation online, please use the form below where you will be given the option to add Gift Aid.
Please note that the Parish is charged a fee for each online donation, so please consider an online bank transfer or Standing Order which do not incur such charges. Thank you.

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