There are many people who help us to celebrate our liturgy in the parish; some, such as altar servers, readers, musicians and eucharistic ministers come readily to mind but others, such as flower arrangers, welcomers, those who take up the collection and present the gifts, also have an important role to play.
Another essential role or ministry in the parish is that of Catechist, people who give their time, often making a regular, behind-the-scenes commitment over many months, helping to prepare candidates to meet God in the sacraments. If you think you would like to join the ranks of one of these ministries then speak to the priest or have a word with someone you know who is already involved.
Altar Server
Assisting the priest in the celebration of Mass and other services has long been a way of developing a deeper understanding and love of the richness of the Church’s liturgical celebrations as well as being a very visible sign of service. It is a ministry which, today, is open to any Catholic who has made first communion and we are pleased to have a number of men serving alongside our young people – it would be good to see some women as well.
Contact the Parish Priest or the Parish Office if you are interested in becoming a server.
Training is given and, as ability and understanding grow, our servers progress towards full membership of the Guild of St Stephen. The Archconfraternity of St. Stephen has its own website which can be accessed here. It contains useful information about events as well as a regular newsletter.
Preparing people to meet God in the sacraments is a responsibility which is taken very seriously in the Parish. We are fortunate to have a mix of people who prepare candidates.
Preparation of our young people for the sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession), Holy Communion and Confirmation is carried out by teams of catechists who, with parents, work with the candidates.
The Parish Priest deals with preparation for the sacraments of Baptism and Marriage. A further group follow the Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and prepare adults who wish to be baptised, confirmed or to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Eucharistic Minister
Our Eucharistic Ministers give a solemn undertaking to serve the Parish, to assist the priests and the people of our community by distributing Holy Communion at Mass, by administering the Eucharist to the sick in their homes.
At the heart of this commitment is the resolution to deepen one’s faith, to live according to the Gospel values and to develop a deep love, reverence and devotion to Our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist.
If you feel called to share this ministry, please contact the priest. Note that Special Ministers of the Eucharist have to pass Safeguarding checks before being allowed to bring Holy Communion to the sick or housebound.
Music is the language of the soul and it is one that we all speak whatever our cultural background. In the same way that we use music at celebrations to commemorate events in our lives, so too, when we come together as a parish community to praise God. St. Augustine said that when you sing you pray twice!
At St. Peter’s, the 9:45 and 11:15 liturgies are ‘sung’. Hymns and music reflect the theme of the Mass and readings of the day. Within the Church we are fortunate in having many rich musical traditions on which to draw when selecting music.
The 9:45 Mass is slightly more traditional. The choir uses guitars, the organ and other instruments in the celebration. Instrumental pieces are sometimes played during the Offertory Procession or Communion.
The 11:15 celebration is a Family Mass and hymns are appropriately children-centred. We hope that in our choice of hymns and music, there is something for everyone. You may hear many of the same hymns at both masses – although probably in different styles! We always welcome feedback and comments. Remember, our musicians and choirs are here to assist you in your singing, not to do it for you. However, we are always on the lookout for new recruits so, if you play an instrument or have a reasonable singing voice, come and speak to us after Mass – we’re here most Sundays.
Be still and listen to God’s voice within you.
His are the words you read,
His are the words you proclaim,
His are the words you enflesh,.
As you speak he will uphold you
As you read he will enfold you
Trust in his unending love.
Use the talent he has given you,
Speak his word in confidence and with love.
Through you he gives his word to all humanity
for this instant and for all eternity. (From a prayer for Ministers of the Word)
The principle role of the Reader is to ensure that everyone is able to hear the Word of God. Our Readers proclaim the scriptures at weekday as well as Sunday masses. As well as technical ability, this ministry calls for a particular love for the scriptures.
If you feel you have a gift for this important ministry, please contact the priest or speak to one of the readers. Help and assistance are available for new readers.