Service in the Parish

Cleaning and maintenance

Before Monday morning Mass, a group of volunteers gathers at 8am in church to sweep, wash, vacuum, dust and polish. If you can spare an hour, you will be very welcome.

There are often jobs that need to be done around the church and the priest’s accommodation, minor things that need repairing or renewing. Again, at present this falls on a few people so it would be useful to have a maintenance team – people who could be called upon as a need arose, including some with trades such as electrician, plumber, carpenter, painter. If you would be willing to help occasionally in such a capacity, please contact us.

Flower arranging

Most Friday mornings – except during Lent and Advent – a parishioner visits a friendly flower seller in Muswell Hill to buy flowers and returns to arrange them to enhance the atmosphere of the following week’s Masses. At Christmas you can add organising and decorating a Christmas tree and Easter and other special liturgical celebrations call for additional and often more elaborate arrangements. If you would like to join a small team to share in this creative ministry please speak to the priest or contact the office.

Counting and Banking teams

While the parish depends on the income from weekly collection, counting, checking and banking the money each week are not the most exciting of tasks and so we are extremely grateful to the people who take on this task over tea and biscuits. A team counts and records the weekly donations in the Planned Giving Envelopes while others deal with the other cash collected each week, making sure that each separate amount – loose cash, retiring collections, candles, papers etc. is properly recorded and accounted for before being banked. If you can spare an hour after Mass on Monday morning to join the rota, please contact the priest or the office.

Finance Committee

In accordance with the Church’s code of Canon Law, the parish has a Finance Committee which meets regularly to monitor our income and expenditure and advise the Parish Priest on financial matters.