Arranging a Mass
If you would like Mass to be celebrated for a personal intention – in memory of a loved one, as a get well, anniversary etc. speak to the priest or contact the office to arrange the date and Mass time and make an offering. Mass intention cards are available at the back of the church. It is sometimes necessary to cancel a booked Mass intention if, for example, a funeral takes place. We will let you know and arrange a new date if this happens. Mass Offerings form a major part of a priest’s monthly ‘salary’ and the diocese suggests offering £10 per Mass.
Visits for the sick or housebound
If you or someone you know is ill at home, housebound or in hospital and would like to receive holy communion, the sacrament of penance (confession) or the ‘Anointing’ or ‘Sacrament of the sick’, contact the priest or Parish Office.
Hospital Chaplains do not have access to a list of patients or to any information about a patient’s religion. If you are admitted to hospital and would like to see a Chaplain, or you have particular religious needs such as receiving a sacrament, please ask the ward staff or one of your visitors to let the Chaplain know. Please also let your parish priest know.
Contact the Parish Office if you would like the intention of a sick person to be included in the Newsletter.
Bereavement – Funeral arrangements
When a person we know or love dies, it can be an enormous shock even if it has been expected. There are many things that need to be done; here is a useful government site containing further information. The diocese has made available some helpful documents about how we can assist others by indicating our wishes for our own funeral and some guides on preparing a Catholic Funeral. Funeral arrangements can only be made once the death has been registered. Once this has been done, please speak to the Parish Priest to discuss:
- The date and time
- The type of service – whether a Requiem Mass in church, a service at the cemetery or crematorium
- Whether the body is to be received into church the evening before the Requiem
- Readings, prayers, music, orders of service, etc.