LOVE- Parish journey through LENT

This Lent we are considering our involvement in our parish in  various ways.  Using the acronym LOVE – we are;                                                                                    Looking at ourselves, our Offerings to the church, Volunteering our time, the place of the Eucharist and prayer. Each week we are looking at one of these aspects of our parish life together. Last week we looked at Our Offerings to the Parish. ( links below to the handouts if you missed it.) This week we will consider our generosity with our selves, our time, our talents and generally how we participate spiritually and socially in our parish by volunteering ourselves. The parish is a primary place where the participation in the Body of Christ, which is the Church, takes place with our brothers and sisters. See the posters and leaflets that are being produced for more  information and guidance. .     ….and the greatest of these is LOVE 1 Corinthians 13:13