John Higgins, RIP

John passed away peacefully at 9.33am on Monday, the 28th May, 2018.

Laura, one of the nurses in Ward 5c, checked on John prior to giving him his daily wash. She heard that his breathing had changed and he was also missing breaths. She kindly sat with him for the last 15 minutes of his life and read the prayer inside one of the Get Well cards to him. She also put his keys in his hand, as the rosary Father Christopher had blessed had been in his other hand for several days. He was usually more relaxed when he had his keys. His death was then immediately confirmed by the doctor on duty.

We ask you to continue to pray for John. He will be mourned by a great many people in our Parish. He is in a better place, free from the worries of this world and the pain he suffered, and now fully understanding of God’s promise to all.

We will inform you of the funeral arrangements when they have been settled. On behalf of John, we would like to thank all those who visited him, prayed for him, and lit candles for him. He did not die alone, but was surrounded by the love of many people, from both within and without the Parish.