We here in the parish will begin a programme called Love in Action, designed to introduce us to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST). We as members of the Catholic Church are called upon to preserve the dignity of all human beings, to care for creation to reach out to our brothers and sisters in need. Such principles form the bedrock of the CST, a body of work developed by the Church leaders over the centuries. Pope Francis has said, that it is our duty to work together to bring about a more just and peaceful world; to put love into action. Over a period of six weeks, we shall cover a theme of the CST during Mass each Sunday, and at the end of the six weeks, we will hold a workshop in the Parish where we think about how best we could respond to the needs of our local community. This is an exciting opportunity for us here at St. Edmunds’ to come together and think about how we can put our faith into action and support those who are vulnerable. With this in mind could I ask you to put the following dates and programme in your diary and invite other parishioners to participate.
2018 course dates:
- 16th September: Dignity
- 23rd September: Solidarity and Peace
- 30th September: Preferential Option for the poor
- 7th October: Care for Creation
- 14th October: Dignity of Workers
- 4th November: Community and Participation
- 11th November: Parish Action Plan workshop after 11 am Mass ( It will be run by Caritas Westminster).
Apart from myself, all Catechists will be participating and will be taking in turns to speak at All Masses, during the six weeks. Thank you
Fr. Christopher