The Parish offers two children’s liturgy sessions during Mass;
- For younger children, aged approximately 2 years to Year 2 at 9am Mass each Sunday, and
- For older children, aged approximately Year 2 to Year 9 at 11am Mass each Sunday
The children’s liturgy sessions are run by parish catechists and volunteers. They take place during the mass. The children are led out by catechists at the start of mass, and return during the Preparation of the Gifts.
All children are welcome to join in. If you would like to know more about supporting children’s liturgy at St Edmund’s or volunteering as a catechist or helper at either mass, please contact the Parish Office for more information.
Younger children’s liturgy & bible stories
The younger children’s liturgy (9am mass) has a simplified form of liturgy involving an opening prayer and song (the same each week), a bible story, simple activity (e.g. action song, acting out a story or colouring in). It ends with a prayer and song before returning to the church. Key seasons are reflected in the choice of bible stories, e.g. Lent, Easter, Advent and Christmas, and the sessions are designed to help younger children learn to take part in Church services by processing, listening, singing, and joining-in, and to learn the bible stories shared by our faith.
For the younger children’s liturgy, parents are welcome to accompany children while they are becoming used to the group, but are encouraged to stay in the church as soon as their children feel comfortable processing out with the group (usually 2-3 visits).
Older children’s Liturgy of the Word
The older children’s liturgy follows a more structured, but still age-appropriate format following the Liturgy of the Word and using simplified versions of the readings of the day. The catechists and volunteers use a wide range of materials supplied by the Diocese and from elsewhere to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word in the following structure: proclaiming the word, responding to the word, and prayers of intercession. The catechists also use music and activities to aid understanding.
For the older children’s liturgy, parents are asked to stay in the church.
Protection of children and vulnerable adults
The Parish is completely committed to the protection from abuse of all children and vulnerable adults in its care. The Parish Protection Officer is Mrs Diane Winship and she should be contacted directly on 07799-414-806 if you have cause for concern. The Diocesan Protection Officer may be contacted on 020-7798-9350 or 07803-634-236, by email or by writing to Peter Turner, Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, SW1P 1QN.