References for school applications

The Priest’s reference Form is no longer valid. A child’s application for admission to a Catholic school has to be supported by a certificate of Catholic Practice. This means attending Mass on a Sunday and on Holydays of Obligation. The bishops have ruled that anything less does not constitute required commitment.

Parents should take this seriously and arrive early for Mass. You also need to meet with me to discuss: any problems you might have in attending Mass every week and on Holy Days of Obligation, any problems you might have in proving your attendance. Parents are advised not to leave talking to me until it’s too late. Leaving it late would lead to unnecessary disappointment.

Applications are made for secondary school take place between 1st September – 31st October. Some schools may require the forms a week earlier. Primary school applications are from September until 15th January. Therefore, parents are advised they need to prove regular attendance preferably two years ahead of that September, however, three years would be more conclusive.

Parents are advised they need to maintain evidence of attendance throughout their child’s education, which includes their move to secondary school. You may also need to transfer schools, one or more times, as families relocate. A certificate would be needed to be included with each new application.

Remember: I sincerely want to help you but your child’s education is your responsibility, not the parish. Please act now.

May God bless you all,
Fr Christopher