Priest Training Fund Collection (WEEF)

This weekend is Good Shepherd Sunday, we pray for priests and for vocations to the priesthood.

Our Second Collection will go towards supporting the Priest Training Fund, which benefits the parishes and the Diocese by providing new priests.

Since this weekend is also the London Marathon and many wouldn’t be able to come here to St Edmund’s the Second Collection will be held again on 28th & 29th of April.

Those information is our priority – it’s our future, and last year (2017) the Diocese celebrated the ordination of eight men to the priesthood, and we look forward to this June when additional priests are been ordained. On average it costs about £25,000 per man, per year of formation which works out to about £150,000 to train and educate a new priest, who will make a lifetime commitment to Christ and the Church.

The Priest Training Fund also pays for the ongoing formation and education of our priests post-ordination.

Could I ask you to be generous in your support and please continue to pray for our priests and me? Pray too for vocations.

I take this opportunity to thank you all for your generosity and your continued support for the fund. Thanks and may God bless you all.

— Fr Christopher