Next Steps for the Parish
Over the weekend of 9th/10th July, the parish Synodal reps. presented a short overview of the next steps to begin in the Autumn.
A copy of the summary document sent into the diocese is available here
Diocesan Report
The diocesan report is now available to download from the Diocese of Westminster website.
Towards a Church that Journeys Together
Pope Francis has called for a Synod to take place in Rome in 2023. It’s an invitation for us, as Catholics, to ‘journey together’
For the first time, the Synod Office in Rome has produced a comprehensive process which encompasses the stated aim of the Holy Father that the Church in today’s world should have a vision of missionary communion orientated to evangelisation.
The Process
The process begins in the Particular (or Local) Church and then moves to the level of the Bishops’ Conference. From there, discernment takes place in the Regional Area – for England and Wales, it would be steered by the European Council of Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) – before moving to the Universal Church with the final Synod Gathering of Bishops in 2023.
Every member of the Church has the right to speak and be listened to. Pope Francis in his book ‘Let us Dream’ says “we need a respectful, mutual listening, free of ideology and predetermined agendas”. This is at the heart of the process. Each diocese will form its own means of running this listening process so that it reaches as broad a scope of people as possible: parishioners, schools, young people, hospital chaplaincies, university chaplaincies, prison chaplaincies, the religious and consecrated communities, the societies of apostolic life, those with a distinctive charism in the church all have a voice that speaks into the conversation. Catholic organisations and charities also have a role to play in this work.
How the Process has unfolded at Northfields

Questions being Addressed
For a paper copy of the questions to consider, ‘Share Your Thoughts’, please see below. Copies also available at church. Responses can be returned to the box in the church.
Online version can be found by scanning the QR code below or by clicking on this link

For full information on the diocesan process and for other resources, go to
Keep checking back here for updates!