Sacraments are vital expressions of who we are as Catholic Christians. Each time we receive a sacrament we respond in a deeper way to Jesus’ call to discipleship. Since sacraments are so important to us, we take them very seriously and prepare to receive them thoughtfully and thoroughly. All sacraments are community events, and this is reflected in the preparation and celebration of the sacraments at St Peter and Paul’s.
The Role of the Family in the Sacramental Preparation of Children:
In this parish, we are committed to the idea that taking an active part in a child’s spiritual formation is the right and dignity of Christian parents. Parents are the “first teachers” of their children in the vision and practice of the Christian way of life. It is in the home that children primarily experience and come to know about God. When children experience the loving care of their family members, when they are challenged to be the best people that they can be by their parents, and when they witness a family’s unceasing striving for healing and reconciliation, then children really learn about who God is. Parents are, whether they realize it or not, the “sacrament” of God’s presence to their children.
Therefore, in all of our sacramental preparation programmes, we attempt to nurture a strong partnership between families and the church. Parents are encouraged to take on their central role. The parish and the parish schools assist parents in this task. The church provides the immediate preparation for all sacraments; our Catholic schools (or Sunday School for those in public or private school) provide the initial or foundational preparation.