Welcome to the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Holy Souls, Kensal New Town website.

The parish’s working vision statement (who we want to be) is:

To be a family where everyone is loved, life’s meaning is awakened, and hope is ignited.”

Fr Damian’s personal purpose statement (how we live this out) is:

“We personally encounter Jesus Christ and commit to follow him, and filled with his Spirit gather as a community to joyfully worship him, grow in knowledge and service of him, to make disciples of all nations and transform society in God’s love.”

Our Lady of the Holy Souls Parish Way of Life

Parish Mass Times

Saturday Vigil 6pm (Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5-6 pm)
11am (Family Mass).

Holy Days
7 pm

9:30 am
(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday).
Subject to change, please consult weekly newsletter or church noticeboard.

Confessions: Saturday evening 5:15pm – 5:45 pm. Also upon request.

Upcoming Events

All Future Events: https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/kensalnewtown/events/

Latest News

All News: https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/kensalnewtown/news/

Newsletters: https://parish.rcdow.org.uk/kensalnewtown/newsletter/