Our Lady of the Holy Souls
Parish Clergy
Parish Priest
Rev Damian Ryan
Parish Safeguarding Representatives
Marian Kennedy
North Kensington
Parish Office Contact
Kaiser Cheon
Parish Office Hours
10:00-12:30 Tue-Fri
In Bosworth Road, off Kensal Road (near Halfpenny Bridge)
Other Information
Missionaries of Charity,
177 Bravington Road, W9 3AR
T: 020 8960 2644
Sisters of Mercy,
76 Fifth Avenue, W10 4DP
T: 020 8960 2505
ANOINTING OF THE SICK – If you are admitted to Hospital, please ask for your details are to be passed to the R.C. Chaplain and that you would like the R.C. Chaplain to visit. If any one is in danger of death and needs Last Rites at home, please, call Fr Damian at the office on 0203376 4134. If no answer, please call 07410042364, and leave a message. He is generally available from Tuesday 6 am to Sunday 6pm.