Parish Groups

Our faith community can be nourished by active participation in parish groups that meet for prayer, social action, Sacramental preparation, youth work and the support of others in the life the Church. To share our lives in these ways allows us to offer ourselves and draw strength from each other.

altar servicesAltar Servers

We have teams of Altar Servers who serve at each of the Sunday Masses. To be eligible, children must be in Year 4 and have made their First Holy Communion.


We have a choir at the 9 am Sunday Mass. Singers and musicians are very welcome to speak with one of the group members for more information, and/or to simply try it out by sitting with them.

11am Music Group

We have a new contemporary music group starting at the 11 am Sunday Mass. Potential singers and musicians are very welcome to speak with Joanna Grennan (the new worship music leader) for more information, and/or to give it a try.

Legion of Mary

legion of maryOur Lady of the Holy Souls Praesidium is made up of Active and Auxiliary members. Active members regularly visit local nursing homes, hospitals and housebound and Auxiliaries’ homes to pray the Rosary and the Legion prayers. Active members meet in the Presbytery every Wednesday evening from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm to pray the Rosary and Legion prayers and to discuss forthcoming visits. Auxiliary members undertake to pray the Rosary and Legion prayers in their homes, with special intention for Active members. The Legion would be pleased to welcome new members who wish to join either as Active or Auxiliary members.