Registration for First Communion 2023: . As usual we intend to have classes next academic year, for children who will be in year 3 or above this September (current year 2) . They must belong to this Parish and must attend Mass here. Attendance at St Mary’s school does not necessarily mean that children will be accepted in this Parish for the Preparation Programme, they must register in their own Parish.
Registration for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion in this Parish will take place in the Hall as follows:
Tuesday 12th July 2022 6. – 7. pm
Wednesday 13th July 2022 6. – 7. pm
The child to be enrolled must accompany their parents / carers. Please also bring with you your child’s Baptismal Certificate.
Children wishing to be prepared for these sacraments must be in Year 3 or above and worship regularly in this parish.
Evidence of baptism will be required at the time of enrolment. Parents must be committed to bringing their child to weekly sessions, assist them with follow-up work at home and bring them to the 11.00am Sunday Mass for the duration of the programme, as the children have their own special Liturgy of the Word at that time.
Enrolment times for First Communion Preparation are published in the Parish Newsletter.