The Diocese of Westminster announced in July 2021 the aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2030 in its parishes and curial buildings.
We are inviting you to be a part of this very exciting project. You do not need any particular skills or expertise- just willing to give a few hours a month to meet and take this project forward. Knowing what you can do to make a difference and where to start can be tricky, especially when we’re bombarded with so much jargon and abstract information in the news; it can sometimes feel like everything has a bad impact! What can we do to live more ‘sustainably’ and what does that really mean? How can we do more for the planet and reduce the environmental impact we have?
If you would like to know more and become involved, please
email:, or provide your details on the information sheets provided on the table at the back of the church.
Our current progress:
Dymphna Dale will be supporting the church for the Parish Audit. The draft step-by-step guidelines that we have given to her is linked below: