Youth Ministry @ St Marks During the School Day

St Marks is situated in the grounds of JFK school and throughout the school week is used by and for the young people of the school. The Parish’s Leader of Youth Ministry oversees and helps develop these activities. Most of our Youth Ministry prayer and formation provision for those aged 11-18 takes place here.

School Provision:

Every day there is sung worship at breaktime based around the daily readings of the Church. Before this, students are invited in to light candles for loved ones and take a moment for prayer and reflection.

There is mass each Wednesday lunchtime and an opportunity for confession afterwards, provided by Fr Brian.

On Tuesday lunchtimes there is Eucharist Adoration. On Monday there is singing practice for those students who lead the breaktime worship.

Thursday and Friday lunchtimes are spent running formation sessions or youth ministry leadership groups.

All the artwork in the church was designed or painted by members of the community. All the paintings were done by the Youth Ministry Art Leaders who continue to provide beautiful pieces for the church and around the school.

Young Leaders

Out of this provision there are 4 main youth leadership groups that have been developed to address the parish and schools pastoral and liturgical needs.

Liturgy Leaders

A large group of young people fill a large variety of leadership roles. The singing group, readers and altar servers in particular lead the daily worship for the school while many are also bring their talents to mass on Sunday. Older students also take up the role of Eucharistic Ministers for our community and Catechists for our various sacramental programs.

Common Good Leaders

Helping to build the Common Good through charity and community building. They meet monthly and organise fundraising events and assemblies. On the parish side they run the Teas and Coffee session after mass on Sundays on a monthly basis and help organise the quarterly parish celebrations such as the International Food Night for St Joseph’s Day and the Summer Celebration for Corpus Christi. Older members also help with the running of Little Church.

Art Leaders

Bringing people to God through beauty, this wonderfully talented group of students work on numerous large projects throughout the year to enhance our parish and school communities liturgical and pastoral life. Beyond the decorations for the church, they use their talents to enhance the various social events of the year. They meet on a weekly basis.

Tech Leaders

Meeting on a weekly basis, this group learns the skills of lighting, sound and wider tech design. They put these skills to use enhancing everything from masses and plays to through to even the school’s GYM and Dance displays!