
Thank you for considering a gift to the Churches of St. Mary & St. Joseph, and St Mark, Hemel Hempstead West. Our parish relies upon the generous donations of parishioners and visitors.

Online Giving

Please help us move to a coin and cash free Sunday Offertory collection by using your contactless debit or credit card on arrival at the church. It’s a really easy to use the self-service card donation point for our parish, which has been installed at both of our churches. The Mass steward will help you.

It has many benefits:

  • A hygienic way of avoiding transmission of the COVID-19 virus via paper and coin
  • Reduction of parish volunteers to count cash
  • Improved security in not having to store money overnight.
  • Improved personal security for those parishioners depositing money in our bank
  • Reduction in related paperwork and administration.

So please help us in eliminating our weekly loose coin and cash collection, with all the benefits that brings. So, if you usually donate using loose cash, please consider using your card or debit card instead.

Standing Order

If you would like to make a regular (monthly/quarterly/annual) donation to your parish, you can download a Standing Order form here:

Standing Order/Gift Aid Form – Hemel Hemsptead West

Bank Transfer

To make a one-off donation please use the parish bank account details:

Account Name:  WRCDT Hemel West
Sort Code:  40-05-20
Account Number:  31095048
Reference:  Surname and First Initial 

If you are a UK taxpayer, please Gift Aid your donation. The government will top up your gift by 25 percent, meaning a £20 offering becomes £25, at no cost to you.

For more information about Gift Aid, please click here.

To Gift Aid your bank transfer donations, please send an email to with the following information:

– Your parish name
– Your title, first name and surname
– Your address and postcode
– The date of your gift, or start date of Standing Order
– The amount
– Please add the line: ‘Please Gift Aid my donations’

The Diocese Gift Aid office will add your declaration immediately, on behalf of your parish, and email you a confirmation.