Holy Apostles has one of the best-appointed church halls in central London. It is used by the parish and other clubs and groups, and is also available for hire. It is situated beneath the church. Access is from Cumberland Street – down the ramp next to the Priest’s House at No. 47. The church garden sits attractively in front of the Hall entrance.
The Hall is multi-tiered and has a well-equipped stage and lighting system. Fire regulations permit the hall to be used for up to 300 people. There are noise restrictions late at night. In addition to the hall, there is a kitchen area that can accommodate tea, coffee and light snacks or meals for self catering. We have large and small tables and chairs that can be used when renting the hall.
The Hall is wheelchair accessible and has disable facilities.
There are two further rooms available for hire either with the Hall or separately. The “St. Paul’s Room” will hold approximately 30 people and the “St. Magdalene’s Room” approximately 20.
The sunken garden is adjacent to the Hall and can be used separately or together. Some of our neighbours like to come and sit in the sun, enjoying the colourful flora.
For terms and conditions, rates, availability and other enquiries please contact the Hall Manager, Jan, on 07717-566-605, 020 7834-6965 or email janbidaud@rcdow.org.uk