
The Parish School is St Vincent de Paul Catholic Primary School, Morpeth Terrace, London SW1P 1EP, following the recent amalgamation of our School, Westminster Cathedral primary School in September 2022. It is a thriving one-form-entry primary school. For the 2022-23 academic year, they are operating across two sites, with an additional Year 5 and Year 6 class based at their South (Pimlico) site.  From September 2023, the school will be based entirely at the main North site in Victoria.

Special Masses and reconciliation services are arranged regularly for the upper years. The majority of pupils make their First Holy Communion in the parish at the end of Year 3 following a year’s preparation. Many go on to be altar servers in the parish.

Pupils go on to a wide number of local secondary schools, including the following Catholic schools : St. Thomas More, Cardinal Vaughan, the Oratory, the Salesian College, Sacred Heart Hammersmith and La Retraite.

The Head Teacher is: Mr N Scott Cree MA. If you are interested in a place for your child in any of our year groups or would like to visit the school, please arrange an appointment by contacting the main office by telephone on 020 3351 5990 or by email using:

Here are information on other Catholic Schools in the Pimlico and Victoria area.