Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults


This is a relatively new programme in the Church’s history. It exists to give an insight into our faith and our belief in the person and promises of Jesus Christ to adults who are not full members of the Catholic Church. It may be that such adults come from a non-Christian background, from other Christian churches and communities or from traditionally Catholic families but without, for whatever reason, having received all the sacraments when they were younger. Increasingly, the course is attended by baptised and confirmed Catholics who want to know more about and deepen their faith. All are welcome.

Our course is relatively informal, There is no pressure whatever on anyone to join the Catholic Church or to receive the sacraments. This can only happen when the time is right for the individual, as they decide. The sessions begin in the autumn and, for those who wish, reception into the Church and of the sacraments of baptism, Communion and Confirmation take place at the following Easter. If you wish to proceed to reception of the sacraments, it is expected that you attend the classes and weekly Mass. However, the right of everyone to withdraw from the course or take it at their own pace is fully respected.

Applications and enquiries to Fr Chinedu Udo on pimlico@rcdow.org.uk   or  020 7834 6965