

Through Baptism the Parish Community and the Universal Church welcomes new members of all ages into the Christian community.


Parents seeking to have their children baptised, should download the attached application form and complete and return it to Sarah the Parish Secretary :                                  Infant Baptism Application Form

Once returned Fr Chinedu will contact you to arrange a meeting at which both the Church’s understanding of what baptism involves and the practicalities are explained. At this meeting a date for the baptism can be fixed at a time mutually convenient for the family and the parish. Baptisms normally take place on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. There is no set fee, but a donation to the Church is normally made.

At least one of the child’s parents or guardians should be a Practising Catholic and it is understood that the child will be brought up in the Catholic faith. There should be at least one Godparent who is a practising Catholic.

OLDER CHILDREN: If a child is not already baptised and is aged 5 or more, it will be necessary for the child to have some classes so it can be explained to them at their level what the Sacrament is about.

ADULTS: Adults seeking baptism are invited to join the RCIA programme which is  a series of meetings every Monday night at 8.00pm for one hour.  They run from the end of the September to Easter and the different aspects of our Faith and Catholic Life are explored.  There is no obligation on anyone.  And every help is given to discern what the Lord is asking of the individual concerned.