Holy Apostles’ Parish Groups is a quick reference guide to ministries and programmes that are available in our parish community. We welcome you to take part and meet new friends. There is literally something for everyone. A contact person(s) is provided for your convenience. Many of the ministries and programmes also make a commitment comment, giving you a good idea of the involvement time each one requires.
Check us out! If you see something that appeals to you, please do give them a call. Get involved!
If you are interest in knowing more about any group or joining, please contact the Parish Secretary at pimlico@rcdow.org.uk
Children can join after their First Holy Communion. A great way to start involvement in the liturgy and community. Boys and girls welcome.
Commitment: Children help on a regular monthly rota.
The “ambulance” is the parish minibus which brings our elderly people and those with mobility issues to Mass on Saturday night. We always need drivers and helpers, who are given full training. The ambulance provides an important link between the generations in the parish and is a great source of historical anecdotes.
The Ambulance is also used on a Monday to bring senior citizens to the “Monday Club” & every other Friday it is used to take people shopping at Clapham Junction, Asda, Aldi etc. Please contact Sarah if you would like to know more about this.
Commitment: A driver and two helpers go out with each ambulance, roughly on a six-weekly rota.
Boxing—Holy Apostles’ Sports Club
The aim of this club is to promote fitness and well-being to children through Non-Contact boxing skills to girls and boys aged 7-12 years. It is funded by Westminster City Council, supported by the Safer Neighbourhood Team and many of the coaches are serving Police Officers.
Commitment: The club meets on Fridays between 6-7:30pm in Church Hall. (Please note this club is being reformed and so will not be open between September 2024 & March 2025)
Once a month we have a cake sale to help support the cost of providing an Ambulance to mass for those less ambulatory. You will be offered a wide variety of pastries of different types and flavours. All our baked items are guaranteed to be delicious and homemade!
Commitment: To bake once a month as you can, usually for the second weekend.
During the Sunday 10.30am Mass young children have their own liturgy which follows the readings of the week and introduces them in a fun way to the Catholic faith. If you’re new to the parish, it is a good opportunity to meet other parents with children of the same age
Commitment: Eight to twelve week rota, training and opportunity to meet other liturgists.
Come and help clean the church on Saturday morning as a preparation for the celebration of weekly Mass. No experience needed – just lots of enthusiasm and elbow grease.
Commitment: Regular on a 4 week rota basis.
If you’re in Year 10 or older and ready to make an adult commitment to your faith,you’ll find a lively and enthusiastic group of young Christians looking at how they can grow in faith. The group explores and discusses issues of faith. Candidates spend a weekend on retreat. It is an intensive 6 week course in October and November each year
Commitment: Six-week course runs all day Saturdays, including two weekend retreats. Full participation is mandatory.
Parishioners from young adults upwards assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and to the sick of the parish. You process in with the priest, altar servers and readers at the beginning of Mass. Full training given.
Commitment: Varies on a monthlyrota.
Faith Small Groups (House Groups)
The small faith groups meet twice yearly for six weeks usually in a member’s home for about an hour. We reflect on Scripture and discuss Christian practice in contemporary society, helped by a booklet prepared by the diocese. It’s also a great way to meet and get to know other parishioners.
Commitment: An hour a week for six weeks, twice a year.
Our First Holy Communion class is a contemporary course designed to engage young minds in the foundations of our Faith.
Commitment: We have nine monthly sessions for both parents and children–that last for an hour.
Do you have a flair for flowers? Come and join the group that arranges the floral decoration of the church on the altar and through the nave.
Commitment: An hour once a month on a rota.
Want to help lead the singing at the 10.30 Family Mass on Sundays? We welcome all enthusiastic singers and musicians. Rehearsals take place every Friday at 7.30 pm.
Commitment: You’ll be very welcome as often as you can make it!
Homeless Project
We provide breakfast, showers, facilities for washing clothes, new clothes and place to chat and meet every Thursday for around 10 people.
Commitment: Operates on a rota basis, with jobs from 7am to 9am
Hospitality: tea and coffee
It’s fun to help out serving tea and coffee after 10.30 Mass on Sunday. A great informal way of getting to put names to faces in the parish.
Commitment: Half an hour before Mass and an hour afterwards once a month on a rota basis.
Christ has no body but yours; No hands, no feet on earth but yours; Yours are the eyes through which He looks compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours. St Theresa of Avila. Justice and Peace in our parish is an umbrella for many ministries and organisations that support Catholic Social Teaching—including Saint Vincent de Paul Society, London Citizens, FairTrade ,Cafod and the Kenya Project. FairTrade , Cafod, Homeless Project etc. We view them all as being connected and necessary to bring about Justice and Peace. Find out more about how you can do “action” prayer.
Commitment: Varies from just the infrequent few hours to more—your choice!
Want to make a difference in the developing world? Our parish is twinned with a parish in Turkana, in the north of Kenya. Apart from supporting them through regular contributions from the parish budget, we also raise funds through events such as wine tasting, quiz nights, dances etc to help them in the wide range of activities they undertake, nutrition centres to making peace with neighbouring tribes.
Commitment: Monthly meetings and help with events.
Meeters Greeters and Ushers
Be the first smiling face to greet parishioners as they come through the doors for Mass. You’ll need to be able to answer all sorts of questions – everything from where the loos are, how to get a hymn book or who to speak to about a particular problem. Your duties include distribution of newsletters
Commitment: On a rota, approx. 20 or so minutes before and after mass.
Monday Club
A regular weekly meeting place for the elderly of the parish who get together every Monday between 2-4pm for tea, cakes, bingo and fun.
Commitment: Help in setting up.
Parish Pastoral Council
The PPC works with our parish priest to represent and develop our parish community. Members are either elected, representatives of parish organisations or appointed by the parish priest.
Commitment: Six meetings a year for approximately 90 minutes and often an additional project.
An adult group for those wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith. For those preparing for Baptism, reception into the Church, Confirmation, or just wanting to come and see what it is all about.
We have a wide pool of readers who read at the weekday and Sunday Masses. If you have a clear, audible voice and would like to help with this important ministry – we need you!
Commitment: Important that you show up for your turn prepared. Monthly rota—frequency varies from mass to mass.
We offer a variety of reading material, religious items, rosaries, bibles, greeting cards, newspapers etc. For sale on the 1st Sunday of the Month after the weekend Masses.
Commitment: Set-up 20 minutes before mass and selling for approx. 10 minutes after mass.
We meet to say the rosary in the Lady Chapel after the 9:30am Mass every weekday.
End Poverty Through Systemic Change – The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis. It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique.
Commitment: Monthly meetings and whatever projects you choose.