Other ways to give

Thank you for visiting this page and for all your contributions. There are various ways to support your parish.

1. Standing Order

Please continue your support when you are not able to come to Mass, please consider creating a “Standing Order.” If you wish to set up your offertory through Standing orders, please click the link below:

Parish Gift Aid & Standing Order Form

The second half of the form needs to be sent or given to your Bank or Parish office or you could set up through Online/Mobile Banking. It would help us greatly if you could let us know you have done this, perhaps by emailing or returning a copy of the form or the first half of the form to the Rectory/Parish office. The form received will help us to process the Gift Aid Declaration signed and other Parish accounting aspects.

2. Weekly Donation Envelopes

Envelopes are ideal for weekly or monthly churchgoers. If you would like “Weekly Donation Envelopes” please complete the form below and email/mail it to the Rectory/Parish office. If you are a Tax Payer, please Gift Aid your donation. The form received will help us to process the Weekly Donation Envelopes, Gift Aid Declaration signed and other Parish accounting aspects.

Parish Gift Aid & Standing Order Form

3. Online  Banking – Bank Transfer

If you do online banking, the quickest and most direct way to donate is with a bank transfer. If you can, please also consider a monthly gift by Standing Order. Our account details are:

Account Name:            WRCDT Sunbury-on-Thames

Sort Code:                    40-05-20

Account Number:        61094556

Please add your Surname and First Name as a reference, to help our bookkeeper. Also please complete the form below and email/mail it  to the Rectory/Parish office. If you are a Tax Payer, please Gift Aid your donation. The form received will help us to process the Gift Aid Declaration signed and other Parish accounting aspects.

Parish Gift Aid & Standing Order Form


4. Gift Aid

If you are a Tax Payer, please Gift Aid your donation ( Donations given to Parish by using Weekly Donation Envelopes, Standing orders or Online Bank Transfer ). The government will top up your Donations by 25 percent, meaning a £20 offering becomes £25, at no cost to you. Please consider joining the “Gift Aid Scheme” by completing the form below:

Parish Gift Aid & Standing Order Form

Please email/return the completed form to the Rectory/Parish office. The form received will help us to process the signed Gift Aid Declaration and other Parish accounting aspects.

You DO NOT need to be a Tax Payer in order to set up or request for Standing Order or Weekly Donation Envelopes or Bank Transfer 


Please return the completed Parish Gift Aid & Standing Order Form to 

The Parish Priest or drop it at the Rectory, Letterbox or

Email: Parish Office at sunburyonthames@rcdow.org.uk 

Phone: 01932  783 507


5. Cheques

Please make cheque payable to ” St Ignatius Catholic Church”

6. Donation by Debit or Credit Card

If you would prefer, you can also donate by debit or credit card, using the form below.

Thank you very much for your donation. Everything that happens in our parish is only possible with your support.

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