Sacramental Preparation

The Sacraments are outward actions and signs by which God imparts His grace to his faithful. During His earthly ministry Christ instituted seven sacraments, three sacraments of Christian initiation, two sacraments of Christian life and two sacraments of healing. 

The three sacraments of initiation are Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion. In Baptism we are “reborn” as children of God, washed clean of our sin and made ready for the other sacraments. In Confirmation, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who guides us and supports us in our Christian life. Finally, by receiving Christ, body and blood, soul and divinity, in Holy Communion we are both physically and spiritually united with Christ our God. This last Sacrament of initiation is the most precious, which can be, and should be repeated often throughout a holy life. 

The two sacraments of Christian life are Marriage and Holy Orders. Marriage is a natural institution, to all human beings uniting a man and a woman in a life long partnership open to the procreation and nurturing of children. By raising it to the dignity of a sacrament Christ wished to give Christian couples the strength of His grace to live their marriage well. The sacrament of Holy Orders is the sacrament by which God creates priests to serve in His Church. 

The two sacraments of healing are Reconciliation, often called Confession, and Anointing. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation Christians who have sinned may confess their sin confidentially to a Priest and receive the forgiveness of God. In the sacrament of Anointing the gravely ill may receive the forgiveness of God for any sin they have committed.