Sick and Retired Priests’ Appeal

The Sick & Retired Priests’ collection will be on the weekend of 4 & 5 November 2023.

Most priests offer their resignation at 75, but many continue to serve in our schools, hospitals, hospices and parishes. Last year, the Diocese of Westminster provided care to 82 retired priests, at a cost of £850,000. Caring for our brother priests in their senior years, or at a time of illness, is a fundamental part of the mission of our diocese.  By supporting the Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund, you can help cover essential costs and give them peace of mind that in the event of an emergency, their needs will be met.

Donation envelopes are available in the church. You can also donate online at – the envelopes and posters feature a ‘QR Code’ that you can scan with a phone camera to give online. 

Please continue to pray for the wellbeing of all of our clergy: active, retired and ill.  Thank you.