For a Synodal Parish: Communion, Participation, Mission

A message from Dan and the Synodal Team:

Our journey together as a Church depends upon our accompanying one another in our parish, trusting that the Spirit guides us as we act together.  The joy of the Gospel remains hidden in our hearts until we come together, to offer it to one another for the healing of our parish and our world.
Two open parish-wide meetings are scheduled for us to listen and speak again as we did during the Advent listening events and written responses.  The contents of our parish synthesis statement sent to the Diocese will be presented as well as the synthesis from the Diocese sent to the bishops’ conferences and the Vatican.
The ears of the Spirit are open:  What remains to be said to one another?  To the Diocese?  To the Vatican/global Church?The hands of the Spirit are ours:  What lies before us as we discern our journey together?
Meetings in the Saint Hilda Room: 

Wednesday evening, 8 June at 7.30 pm                                                         

Saturday morning, 11 June at 11.00 am