Tag: synodalchurch

Synodal Pathway Links

The Synod can be confusing. What is it? What am I expected to do? Our wonderful Synodal Team have collated some links that can help navigate parishioners. Two articles can start you off, one in the tone of heart-to-heart between parishioners, the other a news piece on Pope Francis’s take on the synod: Our Mission […]

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For a Synodal Parish: Communion, Participation, Mission

A message from Dan and the Synodal Team: Our journey together as a Church depends upon our accompanying one another in our parish, trusting that the Spirit guides us as we act together.  The joy of the Gospel remains hidden in our hearts until we come together, to offer it to one another for the […]

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Westminster Diocese Bishops’ Synod Report

This report is based on the responses to the diocesan synodal pathway. It has been submitted to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales to contribute to a national report finalised in June and sent to the Synod Office in the Vatican in July. The reports from this global exercise will then form the basis […]

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