Compassionate Neighbours

Building Caring Communities

Compassionate Neighbours is a growing social movement network of people across all communities who support each other to promote compassion in their communities. Originally started by St Joseph’s Hospice in East London (who replicated a similar programme running in Kerala, India, known as the Palliative Care Network), it aims to connect individuals with each other in the local community.

Since the initial pandemic wave in 2020 it has become even more apparent there are thousands of people across the country who do not regularly talk or have contact with any other person each month. The detrimental effects of social isolation and loneliness in people across all age ranges are significant and damaging to both physical and mental well-being.

In Letchworth, the Garden House Hospice invites each one of us to ask ourselves these questions:

Do you like sharing chat over a “cuppa”?

Do you like helping others?

Can you spare an hour a week?

Would you like to make a difference to help others to stay connected?

If the answers to these are “yes”, you could consider becoming a Compassionate Neighbour. Visit the Garden House Hospice website for more information, or email the Compassionate Neighbours Team at, or telephone: 01462 679540 (option 8)