On 25th January 1973 Pope Paul V1 issued an Instruction which permitted laymen and women to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion.
To enable large congregations to receive Holy Communion and to enable the sick and housebound to receive Holy Communion more frequently, Pope Paul V1 established Special Ministers for Holy Communion to assist the priest. At present in our parish we have sixty five Eucharistic Ministers. They assist the priest at all Masses in the distribution of the Sacred Host and the Precious Blood. Several of the Eucharistic Ministers take Communion to the sick and housebound on a weekly or fortnightly basis. No one is worthy to be a minister of Holy Communion. “Lord I am not worthy” is true.
Probably everyone in the ministry feels a special closeness to the Lord and is very humbled at having the opportunity to distribute the Eucharist and the Precious Blood at each Mass. “Lord I Am Not Worthy” takes on a special meaning to each of the Eucharistic Ministers, and constantly keeps us in a state of prayer and spiritual growth as we attempt to live up to the awesome responsibilities that this very special ministry presents.