Jubilee Social Club
Jubilee Social Club is Social Day Club for Older Parishioners, especially, but not exclusively, for those who live alone or may struggle to get out and about or socialise. The Club meets monthly usually on the third Thursday of the month after morning Mass (10.45 am) until approx. 2.30 pm.
The meetings usually start with Tea or Coffee, biscuits and social time. There is a talk or demonstration about social or topical matters which is followed by a two course lunch. After lunch there is more social time with perhaps a quiz, bingo, board games or some entertainment. People are asked to pay £5 for the day to cover expenses. We usually hold a raffle with a variety of prizes.
Meeting dates are listed below and they are published in the newsletter. Lifts can be arranged if you need one. People are asked to book their place for the meetings and this can be either by putting your name on the clipboard at the back of the church or contacting one of the organizers.
If you would like more information about the Club please contact Harriet Plumb on 07956 366198 or Ann-Maria Loughman 01895 634545.
The Jubilee Social Club always welcome help for the kitchen or help with lifts to or from the meetings. In the kitchen you will be preparing teas and coffees or a simple lunch and of course the inevitable washing up. If you can help with any of this please speak to Ann-Maria Loughman 01895 634545.
Please sign up on the sheet at the back of the Church if you would like to attend.