Young Adults

Follow our Instagram @sacredheartruislipyouth

The young adults group meets monthly at 6pm mass.
Age 18-35.
The allocated masses will have a guest speaker or a guest priest and young adults are invited out for a drink at the pub after mass.

The aim of this group is to foster a community of young Catholic’s, to share experiences and challenges of being a young catholic in the world today and to join in with Diocesan events to meet young catholic adults across the Diocese.

Contact Siobhan if you would like to be added to the WhatsApp group to receive regular updates (details in the parish newsletter).

If you are between the ages of 18-35 please complete our young adults survey:

World Youth Day 1st to 6th August 2023

Some young adults from our parish travelled to Lisbon, Portugal for world youth day. Read Wendoll’s account:

‘The JMJ Lisbon 2023 has been the most emotional and spiritual journey for me. Ever since I was a teenager I have been wanting to attend but was unable to do so.
My main highlight of my trip was seeing his holiness Pope Francis up close as opposed to seeing him on screen. Just the thought of it makes me want to let out a few tears of joy. I couldn’t have imagined to see him, by the grace of God, I was at the right place and the right time to see him so engaged with youth and always ready to take a selfie.
This pilgrim has absolutely blown me away to see so many youth around the world join hands to sing, dance and rejoice in the of our Lord.
I have been able to keep my mind in peace during the adoration of the blessed sacrament. I will make sure to continue to carry on with the same during my daily schedule.
 The one thing that resonates with me is the story of Archbishop John Wilson childhood days where he was given sundae in a tall glass along with a long spoon. He said to taste all the flavours the long spoon is the best as it allows us to dig deeper. We are called for greatness so we should not just taste the top of faith. We should dig deeper into our faith into the heart of Jesus. Faith takes us deeper, Jesus is sweetness to our soul through his love and mercy. I will move more deeper in my faith and friendship with Jesus.
I am ready to say “Yes” just as Mother Mary did, I hope you are too!’

The next world youth day will take place in 2027 in South Korea! Keep an eye out for advertisements nearer the time if you would like to come.

FLAME 4th March 2023

A small group of young adults from our parish went to the Flame congress at Wembley Arena last weekend. 
We were joined at the sold-out event by 8,000 other young Catholics from across the country. The day was filled with talented musicians and inspiring speakers exploring the theme ‘Rise up’. The day ended with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament led by Cardinal Vincent; this was the highlight of the day for many. One of the speakers and singers at the event shared with us that it was during adoration at Flame in 2019 that she found her vocation and the courage to take it to the next steps.  
It was even more special to attend Flame this year as one of our young adults from the parish was working as part of the events team! Well done to Danielle, we are very proud of you.
Veronica – one of our young adult parishioners – has shared her experience:
Flame 2023-
Before attending Flame, I was a little sceptical about it but to my surprise I really enjoyed it!
Everyone was so welcoming and warm.
There were incredible music artist such as Guvna B, Adenike and One Hope Project. It was such a lively and fun atmosphere where we were able to get up and dance. Speakers from all around the world spoke, focusing on the environmental side and the changes we need to make to save Gods creation. I have never done adoration before but I found it very moving and peaceful.
Overall it was an incredible day, with dancing and laughs as well as moments of reflection.
I highly recommend Flame 2025!

Upcoming Events

RESONATE: ‘Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread’


Location Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, London SW1P 1QN

DateThursday 17 October
19:00 – 21:00

Time19:00 – 21:00

About the event

Join us on our exciting series of RESONATE in preparation for the Jubilee Year in 2025! RESONATE is the essential preparation course for the global Catholic celebration in 2025, and what better way than to prepare with Westminster Youth Ministry!

Our keynote speaker in this session will be Fr Jerome Ituah OCD, who will deliver the talk and lead us in some Q&A and discussion time.

Book Here: RESONATE: ‘Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread’ – Diocese of Westminster Youth Ministry (